Thursday, December 10, 2009

31s/25p, 31r/25q, 25s, 33w, 94d, 94L, 94m. MOS question?

I need your opinion. MOS question?

I have narrowed it down to 7 MOS possibilities. I have based these MOS's on my education, ASVAB and my prior experience. Also with the jobs that offer the student loan repayment program. The MOS's are 31s/25p (Microwave sys. Maint), 31r/25q (multichannel sys. oper), 25s (satelite comm maint), 33w (military intel sys maint), 94d (air traffic control equip repairer), 94L(avionics comm repairer) and 94m (radar repairer). The description of each seems as if I wouldnt mind doing them for the time in length that I am enlisting. my recruiter says that I will be able to qualify for either of them. My question is can anyone please tell me what the jobs are like and what kind of job I can get in the civilian world with knowledge experience and the education that the Army will give me? I have a wife and kids and Im just wondering which job I will benifit the most from. which one of the positions has a higher rate of employment in the civilian world. any though

31s/25p, 31r/25q, 25s, 33w, 94d, 94L, 94m. MOS question?concert tickets

my name is army SGT Wagner from 4-319 airborne i am a retention nco for my unit. we are infantry but you can look at this website called cool mos just type "cool mos and the number of your mos and you will be able to see all of the civilian equivilents of the mos i hope this helps. if you need anything else you can e-mail me

31s/25p, 31r/25q, 25s, 33w, 94d, 94L, 94m. MOS question?theater seating opera theaterI'M a 94D its a good MOS lots of new equipment coming out. You can be a contractor and work for general dynamics and other companys once you are out of the service. Report It

My opinion would be 25's, communications. I was in the Marine Corps and I tell ya what everyone wanted to be our friends when it came to deployment, due to the fact you have the "in" on the communication systems and best ways to contact home!!!
First, Rule out 25P, 25Q and 94M You will hate the jobs, the units and you will be grossly under worked and in time, under trained.

33W is a decent MOS, but still a little under worked.

94D is a good MOS. If you want to talk to someone about it I can put you in touch with the Master Sergeant that Develops the training for the MOS.

94L is a good MOS and they stay busy, however, it will be merging with the 94E soon and then you can end up in an avionics shop, COMSEC vault, or Support unit. The support unit will be the hardest to cope with as you have to make mission and satisfy the needs of the Battalion.

25S will keep you on your toes. if you stay vigilant in your duty, you will never be bored.

Good luck.

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